BTS Spring 2025 Schedule

Fall Semester: January 21 - April 18
Drop/Add Period ends:
January 31
Spring Break:
February 24 - 28
Lampstand Conference: January 23 - 26

Please email if you have questions about classes.

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Course NumberCourse NameProfessorDayTimeRoomLive/VC
PS1970Theology of Public WorshipDr. John HainesMon5:30-7:20 PMA202Live/VC
NT1106New Testament Studies II (Pauline Epistles)Dr. Matt AernieTues5:30-7:20 PMA201Live/VC
NT1121Beginning Greek IIDr. Matt AernieTues7:30 - 9:30 PMA201Live
BC1835Biblical Approach to AddictionsDr. Howard EyrichTues5:30-7:20 PMA202Live/VC
BC1850Biblical Marriage & Family CounselingEyrich and BlackmonTues7:30-9:30 PMA202Live/VC
PS1905Leadership Development & DeploymentDr. Jay HaleyTues5:30 - 7:20 PMA209Live/VC
AP1591Special Topics in Public Theology: Work*Dr. Dan DorianiWed6:30-8:30 PMChapelLive
HT1306Church History in America*Dr. E.J. WaldronWed6:30-8:30PMA202Live
BC1802Counseling in the Local Church II*Dr. Greg NorfleetWed6:30-8:30 PMA201Live
PS1946Ministry of the Word II (Art of Preaching)Prof. Jackie GastonThurs5:30 - 7:20 PMA202Live
ST1410Introduction to Theological Research & WritingDr. Amy BoeThurs5:30 - 7:20 PMA201Live
AP1535Comparative ReligionsDr. Amy BoeThurs7:30 - 9:30 PMA201Live/VC

Briarwood Presbyterian Church

Course NumberCourse NameProfessorDayTimeLive/VC
HT1305Reformation & Modern Church HistoryDr. Ben BirdsongMon5:30-7:20PMVC
ST1410Introduction to Theological Research & WritingDr. Pat SandersMon5:30-7:20 PMVC
BC1810Advanced Biblical CounselingDr. Andy WisnerMon5:30-7:20 PMVC
AP1510Apologetics & the BibleDr. Vic MinishMon7:30 - 9:30 PMVC
OT1008Old Testament Studies IV (Prophetic Literature)Dr. Jud DavisTues5:30-7:20 PMVC
PS1910Conflict Resolution in the ChurchDr. Lombo LomboTues5:30 - 7:20 PMVC
NT1121Beginning Greek IIDr. Pat SandersTues5:30 - 7:20 PMVC
ST1425Systematic Theology V (Ecclesiology)Prof. Brett BlackmanTues5:30-7:20 PMVC
ST1405Westminster Confession of FaithDr. Reed DepaceTues5:30 - 7:20 PMVC
OT1021Beginning Hebrew IIDr. Jud DavisThurs5:30-7:20 PMVC
BT1205HermeneuticsDr. Thad JamesThurs5:30-7:20 PMVC
ST1415EthicsJason DollarThurs5:30-7:20 PMVC
OT1007Old Testament Studies III (Wisdom Literature)Prof. Kuna GriggsThurs5:30 - 7:20 PMVC
ST1422Systematic Theology II (Anthropology)Dr. Roy McDanielThurs7:30-9:30 PMVC
NT1106New Testament Studies II (Pauline Epistles)Rev. Mike JonesFriday6:00 - 8:00 AMVC

Videoconference Classes (meets Central Time Zone)

Course NumberCourse NameProfessorDayTimeRoomLive/VC
PS1950Church Vitality (Lampstand Conference)Prof. Ike ReederJanuary 23-26see SyllabusA202Live/VC

Intensives (Birmingham)

Course NumberCourse NameProfessorDayTimeRoomLive/VC
BC1815Biblical Counseling: Sexuality and GenderDr. Cheryl BlackmonJanuary 9-11see syllabusA201Live/VC
ST1423Systematic Theology III (Christology)Dr. Jeff LowmanJanuary 16-18see syllabusA201Live/VC

January Intensives

Course NumberCourse NameProfessorDayTimeRoomLive/VC
AP1515Christ & CultureDr. George GrantJanuary 30-Feb 1TBDTBDLive/VC (Parish Pres, Franklin, TN)


Course NumberCourse NameProfessorDayTimeRoomLive/VC


Course NumberCourse NameProfessorDayTimeRoomLive/VC
OT1007Old Testament Studies III (Wisdom Literature)Dr. Ben WiggershausFeb. 20-22TBDTBDLive

Columbia, SC

Course NumberCourse NameProfessorDayTimeRoomLive/VC
HT1390Special Topics in CH: American EvangelicalismDr. Jeff McDonaldThurs7:30-9:30 PMTBDLive/VC


Course NumberCourse NameProfessorDayTimeRoomLive/VC
DM4005Counseling Methodologies: Caring & Curing of SoulsEyrich and BlackmonMon5:30-8:30 PMVC
DM4810Biblical Counseling & Human Physiology/PsychopathologyDr. Mark HorneTues5:30-8:30 PMVC
DM4915Church Vitality and Planting (Lampstand Conference)Dr. Tom HawkesMon5:30-8:30 PMVC
DM4916Church Revitalization (Lampstand)Dr. Brian CosbyMon5:30-8:30 PMVC
DM4963Contemporary Church PlantingDr. Hunter BrewerMon5:30-8:30 PMVC
DM4899Biblical Counseling Practicum & Capstone ProjectDr. Mark HorneMon5:30-8:30 PMVC
DM4985D.Min. DissertationDr. Roy McDanielMon5:30-8:30 PMVC
DM4525Cultural Development & Culture StudiesProf. Darin StoneMon5:30 - 8:30 PMVC

Doctor of Ministry Program (meets via videoconference)

* Please note that Wednesday courses marked with an asterisk* are conducted in conjunction with Mid-Week at Briarwood.

Interested in Taking a Course?

As part of a diverse community of learners, you will be taught courses by pastor/professors that are academically excellent, biblically faithful, and ministry-oriented, equipping you for a life of ministry and humble leadership in Christ.